EBook: Book B, Manuscript Practice


BookB, Manuscript Practice_Sample Pages

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E-Book Version, PDF Format for High Quality Printing.  View the Printed/Hard Copy

This version is for the purchaser and their family. Schools and large groups, please contact us for the EBook extended license.

Great book for learning and practicing printing. Each day the student practices one new letter (of upper case and lower case) and a short sentence or title. The child is then encouraged to practice a simple border pattern on the edge to strengthen muscles and to practice perseverence. 5/8″ tall letters are quite manageable for Kindergarteners whether they write in pencil or in fine tip color markers. The letters are presented alphabetically twice through.  If your student is ready for closer study and practice of manuscript and cursive handwriting you might continue by using Book 1. Check our sample pages.

BookB, Manuscript Practice_SamplePDF

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