EBook: Book 5B, Scripture Handwriting


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A delightful course to promote good legible handwriting. The student
practices by first writing the alphabet on page one onto the blank box under it. Next he handwrites the verse beside the alphabet onto another blank box under the verse. Spacing of words and letters on the sample box should be repeated on the student’s practice box so that it fits neatly. Then he draws in the first letter in the decorative versal alphabet style which is carefully explained after the introduction of the book. The Versal Alphabet was commonly used in medieval manuscripts to decorate first letters of a verse or paragraph. A Versal Alphabet and border ideas are included in the introduction. The completed project may be cut out and used as a book mark or saved in a 4X5 picture album. Letter size is ¼ inch (3/4 of a line) which is efficient for note taking and practical for applications everywhere. A student can benefit from this course anytime from about Gr. 3 to Adult. The next level writing skill would be Book 6 which has slightly smaller letter size. Check out our sample pages for this Book 5B and Book 6.

Book5B, Scripture Handwriting_SamplePDF

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